Android Wireless Debugging.

Few weeks ago I came to know about this cool feature of wireless ADB (Android Debug Bridge). Following method doesn’t need root access to device. If you have done any development in android I’m sure you already have used adb. As the name suggests it let you build a bridge between computer and android device. So you can control your device from the computer. adb has many uses other than debugging. just issue command adb to find out all of them. If you haven’t already installed adb you’ll have to install adb before continuing. On ubuntu or ubuntu variation command to install adb is “sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb”.

One activity to rule them all.

This is a post about current architecture of the Train Buddy application. It has only one activity and multiple fragments for work and UI. Communication done via interfaces. Fragments are independent with each and they all communicate through the activity. It makes it easier to debug and maintain the code. loosely coupled, high cohesive classes is considered as a good in SE. Also It’s easier to share the data structures, easier to save the state through the life cycle of the application. And it makes it possible to keep the application logic in that single class.

HNYC v0.x.

Today I came upon a android application with material design to read xkcd comics which is still in alpha stage. Interesting point is that it’s been released just yesterday and had more that 100 installs. And here I am with trainbuddy app (which is obviously much nicer and more useful :)) which released for 2 months by now and with the same number of installations. I think reason is xkcd app has much biger audience (7 billion +) than mine (20 million) since it’s a local app. So the ratio of audience is 350:1.