HNYC v0.x.

Today I came upon a android application with material design to read xkcd comics which is still in alpha stage. Interesting point is that it’s been released just yesterday and had more that 100 installs. And here I am with trainbuddy app (which is obviously much nicer and more useful :)) which released for 2 months by now and with the same number of installations. I think reason is xkcd app has much biger audience (7 billion +) than mine (20 million) since it’s a local app. So the ratio of audience is 350:1.

In light of these new findings I thought of giving a try with a bigger audience with my already released (because of a matter of CV), but yet only known to me (because of 0 marketing) HNYC app. So I updated the store listing and shared the link for this post. Who knows may be I’ll ride a wave end up in front page of HN. :)

About the app, It has few nice features like pull to refresh, swipe to change the view, (kind of) infinite scroll, Auto hiding action bar. Sexy material design. And it uses new API at Also this is only the beginning of this app. You can read more from Google play listing.

Get it on Google Play

Update 1 : I shared the app in hn site and got some feedback. Will post in reddit after including the suggestions I recieved.

Update 2 : Updated the app. But reddit says I have to wait a month before posting in reddit.